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The LAYLA series is produced by veterans dealing with PTSD
As part of an innovative empowerment process that is the first of its kind in the world

in the vicinity of the vineyard and the winery

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The Terra Uma organization has taken upon itself to be a beacon amidst the turbulent sea around us—a lighthouse guiding male and female soldiers to steady ground, a place of belonging and growth through shared creativity and productivity.

The LAYLA LAVAN and LAYLA ADOM series (translated to English as 'White Night' and 'Red Night'), is produced by alumni of the organization's Wine Journey at Dalton Winery, in their second year and as part of their Alumni Program, under the professional guidance of Dalton Winery's winemaker, Guy Eshel. Dalton Winery hosts the organization’s activities with great sensitivity and complete support.

The night is one of the greatest challenges for those dealing with post-trauma. Sometimes it’s “white,” and sometimes it’s painted in red. The Layla series is, for us, proof of high capability, professionalism, growth, and hope alongside the challenges of injury.

The Terra Uma organization operates on a sustainable economic model in which the products of the process fund the activities and future journeys.


The Terra Uma organization has taken upon itself to be a beacon amidst the turbulent sea around us—a lighthouse guiding male and female soldiers to steady ground, a place of belonging and growth through shared creativity and productivity.

The LAYLA LAVAN and LAYLA ADOM series (translated to English as 'White Night' and 'Red Night'), is produced by alumni of the organization's Wine Journey at Dalton Winery, in their second year and as part of their Alumni Program, under the professional guidance of Dalton Winery's winemaker, Guy Eshel. Dalton Winery hosts the organization’s activities with great sensitivity and complete support.

The night is one of the greatest challenges for those dealing with post-trauma. Sometimes it’s “white,” and sometimes it’s painted in red. The Layla series is, for us, proof of high capability, professionalism, growth, and hope alongside the challenges of injury.

The Terra Uma organization operates on a sustainable economic model in which the products of the process fund the activities and future journeys.


Personal wines under the supervision of Tzohar rabbis

Option #2

The personal series of the veterans 

13 unique wine series - 13 stories of hope and growth!

These wine series were produced as part of the 'Wine Journey', an innovative process and the first of its kind in the world for those dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, against the backdrop of combat experiences.

For a year, each and every one of the journey participants created, fermented, mixed, pressed, and bottled a personal and unique wine, under the guidance of senior winemakers in Israel.

The graduates' products are now being marketed - only 200 numbered bottles from each series. Each series is a story of coping, of a journey. Each bottle is an ambassador of hope, ability and growth.

The experiences and challenges of the journey strengthened their personal resilience, enhanced eroded abilities, enabled the discovery of new abilities, and contributed to restoring a sense of competence, self-worth, and passion for life.

We invite you to give a gift with social value, all proceeds of which are donated to the rehabilitation of combatants and combatants dealing with post-trauma.

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קברנה סוביניון-סירה

לילה אדום 2023

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French Colombard-Semyon



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Option #1

LAYLA Series - 'Wine Journey' Graduate Series

The night is one of the greatest challenges for those dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. Sometimes it is white and sometimes it is painted red.

The LAYLA series is proof for us of high ability, professionalism, growth and hope alongside the challenges of injury.


The 'White Night' and 'Red Night' series are produced by graduates of the association's wine journey at the Dalton Winery, in their second year and as part of their 'graduate program', under the professional leadership of the winery's winemaker Guy Eshel.


More details

Kosher: Elmishaali Yosef, Merom Galilee Regional Council.

Terra Uma Layla Lavan 2023 Final_edited.jpg

לילה לבן 2023

פרנץ' קולומברד-סמיון

סדרת לילה כשרה בהשגחת הרבנות


100% of the profits are dedicated to the operation and expansion of the association's activities

The creations of our warriors in their wine journey

The creations of our warriors in their wine journey

The creations of our warriors in their wine journey

Our professional team

The veterans are accompanied by senior Israeli winemakers on a fully voluntary basis.

For updates on the journeys, our activities, new products, and more.

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